We’re doing something special for our Vapor Couture Reviews. Since the Vapor Couture is an electronic cigarette that caters to women (and/or Kardashian males,) I found it only fitting I bring in a guest female reviewer: my girlfriend.


Vaping Experience:  9 out of 10

The Vapor Couture mirrors the upper end V2 line (made by the same company) as the excellent vapor volume makes it easy to get a complete lungful. The throat hit is very, very smooth – one of the best I’ve experienced with electronic cigarettes. The battery size is ideal; easy to hold, great for women and men.

vapor couture reviews starter kit

Price:  8 out of 10 

At a price-tag of $99.95, the Vapor Couture Deluxe Kit might seem pricey, but you actually get a lot for the money. Whereas most e-cig starter kits have, on average, one box of five cartridges, VC gives you ten cartridges.

So even if you don’t  consider the giant cig holder/rope-lanyard an advantage, the amount of cartridges alone somewhat justifies the steeper price. 

Hardware: 9 out of 10 stars

Our Vapor Couture reviews cover the VC Deluxe Kit. This includes two sleek battery chargers (one silver, one a pinkish gold), four boxes of flavor cartridges (which are cutely each assigned a battery charger color,) a USB charger/a wall adapter, a giant 50s style rose-colored carrying case (complete with a mirror and side pocket) and…get this…a black lanyard if you want to be that girl at the party with an electronic cigarette dangling from her neck.

At first I thought it was all a little cheesy and wondered, “Seriously, who’s gonna want to carry an e-cig purse that’s twice the size of an iPhone?” But I figure it’s a nice carrying case to keep in your car, plus it’s actually kind of cute in a retro way.

The battery chargers are stylish and it might be kinda fun to mix and match the colors.

Vapor Couture Reviews starter kit

Flavors: 8 out of 10

Our Vapor Couture reviews cover the two flavor cartridges that came with the Deluxe Kit and two additional flavors: Three full-strength flavors (1.8% nicotine) and one medium strength, (1.2% nicotine.) Let’s break them down…

Rodeo Drive (1.8) This has the standard cigarette taste and is not as harsh as the male-centric cigs. It’s sweet and has a smooth vapor.

Fresh Mint (1.8) This is their take on the menthol cigarette. It tastes minty, but is actually smoother than “real” menthol cigs. It surprisingly made my mouth feel fresh and by far is the best flavor of the bunch.

Passion Fruit (1.8) Has a good amount of vapor and actually tastes like…you guessed it? Passion fruit! Well, at least like Juicy Fruit gum. I’d say this was the second best flavor of the group.

Bombshell (Medium, 1.2) With the lowest nicotine content, this one also had the worst taste. It’s almost salty with a hint of caramel, which sounds good in theory, but actually just tastes “burnt” like if you re-lit a cigarette after it goes out.

Vapor Couture Coupon

Vapor Couture is offering License To Vape readers two exclusive coupon codes. Simply click either of the coupons below to receive 10% off any item from the Vapor Couture online store and 15% off all Vapor Couture starter kits!

For all of our exclusive coupons, check out the License To Vape coupon page

Vapor Couture Coupon – 10% Off Sitewide

Vapor Couture Coupon – 15% Off Starter Kits

Vapor Couture Reviews Final Score:  8.5 out of 10


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Vapor Couture Reviews in 2025
8.5 / 5 Reviewer
Ease of Use8