With the Magnum Digital, Triple Seven E Cigs has created an almost perfect pen starter kit for intermediate/advanced vapers. After vaping the Triple Seven E Cigs (aka 777 Ecigs) Magnum Digital for a week straight, we are giving it a top spot amongst our very best ecigs and starter kits.

Buy The Triple Seven E Cigs Magnum Digital Starter Kit If You:

– Want the highest quality tank-type refillable ecig (and replacement parts!) at a very, very reasonable price. 

– Want an intermediate/advanced refillable ecig that is extremely easy to refill with liquid, and very easy to swap out parts.

– Want an e-cig that produces perfect vapor clouds every time, has a digital readout showing you battery life (and puff count), and recharges faster than most other medium/large ecigs. 

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Click the coupon below to reveal our exclusive 777 Ecigs coupon good for 15% off all starter kits. The 777 Ecigs site will automatically open in a new window. Simply type in the code at checkout to receive your discount.

Vapor + Throat Hit: 10 out of 10

The Triple Seven E Cigs Magnum Digital is a vapor beast. Every single time we puffed on the Magnum, we got a perfectly thick vapor cloud. Uncanny. Without fail. The Magnum Digital is a manual battery so you can hold down the button longer for more vapor. We could wax poetic about the vapor this thing produces, but it’s unnecessary. There’s literally nothing to complain about here.

To round out the category, we thought each e-liquid flavor had a perfectly calibrated throat hit.

Battery + Hardware: 10 out of 10

triple seven e cigs magnum digital

Triple Seven E Cigs really excels with the battery design of the Magnum Digital. The battery is 650mAh. It’s available in stainless steel or black. The battery feels like it’s made from the highest quality material. There’s a definite heft to it. The battery is manual so you have the most control over each puff and how much vapor you want.

Part of what sets the Magnum Digital apart is the digital read out near the bottom of the battery. This tells you how much battery power you have left and exactly how many puffs you’ve taken since the last charge. Both features are cool and useful. The battery power readout is extremely useful. Speaking of charging, it seems to take a lot less time to recharge the Triple Seven E Cigs Magnum Digital than other comparable sized e-cigs (we’re looking at you, Vapor4Life).

The standard tank is 1.5mL. It’s stainless or black with a transparent strip where you can see exactly how much e-liquid you have left in the tank. Very cool feature. The replacement tanks we received with the kit were completely transparent. We think there are other color options available.

One of the main reasons Triple Seven E Cigs earns a perfect score here is how easy it is to refill the tank. We can’t tell you how refreshing this is compared to some other refillable e-cigs that don’t have it figured out yet. There’s no aiming each drip into a tiny tank opening, there’s no dripping e-juice into a filter and waiting for it to settle. You simply unscrew the tank, drip in the liquid and screw the tank back on.

Make sure you don’t let the tank get too low when vaping. You run the risk of burning out the coil and every vape will have a bitter, acrid, burnt taste after that. Luckily for you, if that happens, Triple Seven E Cigs includes five replacement coils with this kit.

Price ($69.95): 10 out of 10

We got the Magnum Digital starter kit for our Triple Seven E Cigs review. We realize $69.95 ain’t cheap. And there are certainly similar tank style e-cigs at more economical prices (check out our Bloog E Cig review). But for this level of quality, with the amount of replacement parts you get (the vast majority of e-cig kits do not include replacement parts), we believe it’s a damn good deal. The Magnum Digital kit includes:

  • 2- 650 mAh Digital LCD Batteries
  • 2- Re-Fillable 1.5ml Tanks & Coils
  • 5- Replacement Coils
  • 1- Smart Wall Charger (with USB adapter)

Flavors: 9 out of 10

triple seven e cigs liquid

The only place Triple Seven E Cigs can improve a bit is their e-liquid flavors. Granted, we didn’t try that many of them, but we think they could afford to get a little more creative. That being said we were really impressed with a couple of the flavors and are eager to try more. We vaped the following e-liquid flavors:

777 Blend – This is one of our new favorite tobacco flavored e-juices. The throat hit is perfectly calibrated, strong enough to feel it, but smooth enough so it’s not irritating. There are hints of vanilla and caramel in the e-juice that we really enjoyed as well.

Juicy Peach – This is a solid member of the overpopulated “peach e-juice class.” This one rises above a lot of other choices due to the realistic peach flavor and the smooth throat hit. However, we actually would have preferred the throat hit to have just a little more kick.

RY7 Tobacco – This tastes almost the same as a real tobacco cigarette. If you truly enjoy the taste of tobacco like we do, you’ll really dig this flavor. The throat hit is strong and smooth.

Strawberry – Exactly as the name suggests, but the flavor is a little too mild. If you’re gonna go for a fruity flavor, why not go all out? If you want just a hint of strawberry, you might like this flavor. Throat hit is very smooth.

Warranty + Customer Service: 9 out of 10

The Triple Seven E Cigs customer service team is top notch and a pleasure to deal with. The only reason the lose a point in this category is because we think their warranty could be more comprehensive. The current warranty details:

– Starter Kits have a 30 day money back guarantee

– Batteries are under warranty for 90 days

– Electrical components are under warranty for 90 days

– If you have a problem with their e-liquid, call customer service and they’ll help you find a solution.

Triple Seven E Cigs Magnum Final Score: 9.6


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Triple Seven E Cigs Magnum Kit Review in 2025
9.7 / 5 Reviewer
Ease of Use9.6