For our 777 Ecigs review we vaped their Bullet standard starter kit and were very impressed. The 777 Ecigs Bullet produced consistently thick vapor (although not as thick as the Vapor Zeus), and perfectly calibrated throat hits.

Buy The 777 Ecigs Bullet Starter Kit If You:

– Want an economically priced re-fillable ecig that’s as easy to use as pre-filled ecigs. 

– Want a reliable tank style e-cig that requires virtually zero maintenance. 

– Want to try a wide variety of nicotine flavors without buying new e-cigs each time.


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Vapor + Throat Hit:  9 out of 10

The 777 Ecigs Bullet produced a pleasing vapor cloud almost every time we took a puff. If you choose the manual battery, it takes no effort at all to get a big vapor cloud. The 777 Bullet loses a point here because the vapor wasn’t as thick as we would have liked. Some prefer a “thinner” vapor, and if so, we would highly recommend 777 Ecigs. In the economical price range, the 777 Bullet is tied with the Halo G6 for best overall vapor production.

We found the 777 Ecigs throat hits to be damn near perfectly calibrated for each of their flavors. I can’t remember a single puff that made me cough. The throat hits were very smooth and in a couple cases, a bit too subtle.

Battery + Hardware:  9 out of 10

777 ecigs bullet starter kit

The main thing we absolutely loved about the 777 Bullet was the ease of refilling the tank. We could rattle off so many different e-cig brands that make it unnecessarily difficult to refill the e-juice. Not so with 777. The mouthpiece screws off, there is plenty of room surrounding the center tubing to pour in the liquid, you screw the mouthpiece back on and you’re ready to vape. Why can’t all e-cigs be so easy?

The 777 Ecigs Bullet is a very slickly designed three piece set-up with battery, tank and mouthpiece. The battery itself appears to be of high quality material (although not as high quality as the Vapor Zeus review). It’s available in four colors – black, stainless, blue and pearl. We’d recommend the black. The tank is the weakest part of the set up as it appears to be made from cheaper material. That’s not to say it doesn’t work well, because it does. Each tank holds approximately 20 drops of e-juice and can be refilled about 8 times before the material inside starts to break down.

We were able to vape the 777 Ecigs Bullet all day on a single charge. No complaints there.

Price ($49.95):  9 out of 10

Our 777 Ecigs review covers the Bullet Standard Starter Kit. $49.95 is a very good deal for what you get in the starter kit. For economy refillable kits, the only comparable deal is the Halo E Cig G6 starter kit. The 777 Ecigs Bullet Standard Starter Kit includes:

– 2 320 mAh batteries

– 2 refillable 1.3mL tanks

– 1 wall charger

– 1 USB charger

It’s important to note that you’ll need to buy e-juice separately. You might also want to check out the Bullet deluxe kit – it’s more expensive but e-juice is included.

Flavors:  9 out of 10

777 e-juice

Our 777 Ecigs review covers only two of their e-juice flavors, 777 Blend and Juicy Peach.

777 Blend (18mg nicotine) – This is one of our new favorite tobacco flavored e-juices. The throat hit is perfectly calibrated, strong enough to feel it, but smooth enough so it’s not irritating. There are hints of vanilla and caramel in the e-juice that we really enjoyed as well.

Juicy Peach (18mg nicotine) – This is a solid member of the overpopulated “peach e-juice class.” This one rises above a lot of other choices due to the realistic peach flavor and the smooth throat hit. However, we actually would have preferred the throat hit to have just a little more kick.

Warranty + Customer Service:  9 out of 10

777 Ecigs loses points in this category due to their limited warranty. The details are:

– Battery guaranteed for 90 days.

– Electrical components guaranteed for 90 days

– Defective cartridges and e-juice will be replaced

The 777 Ecigs customer service team is top notch and a pleasure to interact with.

777 Ecigs Bullet Kit Final Score:  9.0 out of 10


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777 Ecigs Review in 2025 – Bullet Starter Kit
9.8 / 5 Reviewer
Ease of Use10